Giving Your Way to a Happy and Successful Future

Each year we spend a day giving gifts to one another. It’s a nice gesture, but what if we’ve got it all wrong? Maybe we’re practicing the wrong kind of giving. And maybe we should be giving the other 364 days of the year.

Have you ever unwrapped a present only to wish the giver would have saved their money? I know I have. We have good intentions, but much of the time we get it wrong. We focus on stuff. And honestly, don’t most of us have enough stuff?

What If We Gave of Ourselves Instead of Giving Stuff?

Adam Grant, a professor at the Wharton School, wrote a book called, Give and Take. Brad Desmond at Positive Psychology explains:

Grant believes that success, development, and financial well-being is usually divided into three factors – motivation, ability, and opportunity. But, he goes a step further and identifies a fourth component – the ability to interact with people.

Grant classifies people into takers and givers. The first category of people attempts to maximize profits in transactions, agreements, and other working points. They work exclusively for themselves. The latter may put other interests ahead of their own.

What if we spent the entire year putting others’ interests ahead of our own? What if we spent more time sharing our own knowledge and expertise with others without any expectations of something in return?

Like Grant, I’m a professor. I understand the concept of giving of myself. Although I get paid to teach, I’d go into the classroom and give freely if I didn’t need an income. Why? Because it feels right to help others. By teaching others how to speak and write, I’m not only sharing my own expertise, I’m doing a little something to make the world a better place.

I’d like to share a Ted Talk from Adam Grant. It will explain more about his theory of takers and givers.

Let’s Make a Point to Give More

In the coming year, I’m going to make a point to give more. When others come to me for help or advice, I’m not going to find ways to avoid them. I’m not going to complain. I’ll do my best to help them if I can.

Giving leads to success. Are you ready to give more of yourself? I’m ready to help you. If you need a little feedback on your writing, speaking, or blogging projects, you can always send me a quick message on Facebook or Twitter. I’d be glad to give a little input. If you need a speaker at your event, I’d be glad to work with you. I’m ready to give more. Are you?

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