How to Find Our Way into the Future

So I’ve made a shift toward writing more at You might think that means I have my crap together and that everything is planned out perfectly. Not even close. I’m as uncertain about the future as anyone else. I struggle with decisions. And I especially struggle with decisions that pertain to my blog.

What Happens as the New Year Approaches?

If you follow many bloggers, you might see that they have big plans every new year. They announce new courses. They launch new books. They offer new programs. I hate to tell you this…

I’ve got nothing. Well, not quite. I am developing a new course, but it won’t be ready until at least February.

I’m still trying to figure out where I’m going. To figure that out, let’s recap where I’ve been:

  • 2011: I started this site. I didn’t have a clue how to run a blog. Through the first few years, I wrote fiction and poetry and changed my blog’s niche about 7 times. In the fall of 2015, I erased everything and started over with an emphasis on creativity.
  • 2013: I started two blogs, SimpleWriter and SimpleBlogger. After a year, I decided those topics were too narrow for my liking. So I let them go.
  • 2014: I started Hip Diggs, a blog about minimalism and simple living. It’s a topic I’m very passionate about. But half of my audience thought my name was Hip Diggs. Not only that, I struggled to monetize a blog that’s about minimalism. I couldn’t bring myself to sell stuff on a website about giving stuff up. And although I’m still operating Hip Diggs, I want to explore life beyond minimalism.
  • 2017: I’m moving my focus back to But I’ve created some habits along the way that are counterintuitive to popular approaches to blogging. I’ve developed a love for simplicity and white space. I’ve developed a dislike for stock photos and SEO. Hype and flash turn me off. Video requires more stuff than I can afford. I even wince at the idea of adding links to other blogs with advertisements and popups. You might say I’m a purist at heart.

But All is Clear and the Future is Bright

Here’s the deal. My blogs have never been about knowing exactly where I’m going. They have always been about the journey. And that will never change. Finding our way into the future can be scary, but it’s really quite simple. There are three steps:

  1. Consider the past: Don’t dwell on the past, but be willing to look back and learn. Your experiences, your successes, and your failures have all helped to shape who you are today.
  2. Be in the present: Don’t worry about what tomorrow will bring. We can’t control the future. Do your best to live each moment in the here and now.
  3. Take one step at a time: Plan for tomorrow. Rather than worry about the future, prepare for it. Set a few simple goals and work toward them one day at a time.

That’s the key to finding your way into the future.

Here’s what I can tell you about the future of this blog. I’ll continue to write quality content about simple habits for success. Together, we’ll explore creativity, productivity, simplicity, and success, one day at a time. It’s that simple.

If you’d like to learn more, I encourage you to sign up for my newsletter. When you do, I’ll send you a free eBook, The Happiness of Simple.